FILMS • 2005

Yes Men
(Directors: Dan Ollman & Sarah Price, 2003, 83 min)
A comedic documentary which follows The
Yes Men, a small group of prankster activists, as they gain world-wide
notoriety for impersonating the World Trade Organization on television
and at business conferences around the world. The film begins when
two members of The Yes Men, Andy and Mike, set up a website that
mimics the World Trade Organization's--and it's mistaken for the
real thing. They play along with the ruse and soon find themselves
invited to important functions as WTO representatives. Delighted
to represent the organization they politically oppose, Andy and
Mike don thrift-store suits and set out to shock unwitting audiences
with darkly comic satire that highlights the worst aspects of global
free trade. Link
to website for The Yes Men.

(Director: Kayo Hatta, 1994, 98 min)
This is a movie about the American dream
as seen through the Japanese experience. In the early 1900's, Japanese
women came to Hawaii as mail-brides to marry young and wealthy sugar
cane farmers. When they arrived, they found that their expectations
were not met. They suddenly realized that they were trapped into
life as a farm laborer and were married to a husband who was neither
young or wealthy and was a farm laborer as well. The movie deals
with the trials and tribulations of this life: seeking the means
to return to Japan, living in a marriage without love, and coping
with the hardships of working as a farm laborer. Link
to Internet Movie Database (IMDb) page for Picture Bride.

Gras: Made In China
(Producer: David Redmon, 2005, 61 min)
This documentary is a story of globalization
told through humor and sadness, hope and violence. The owner of
a bead factory in China, the largest Mardi Gras bead distributor
in the world, gives a brutally honest interview. Carnival revelers
who exchange beads during Mardi Gras and four teenage sweatshop
workers in China who make Mardi Gras beads each get a glimpse of
the others' lives. Link
to homepage for Mardi Gras: Made in China.

The Road to The Women Fighters (Paso a Las Luchadoras)
(Producer: Ojo Obrero Collective, Argentina, 2004, 33 min)
Thousands of women in Argentina have
taken up the struggle for liberation by their own hand. Paso a Las
Luchadores focuses on seven women whose day-to-day struggles against
sexism takes in all aspects of life. These Argentine women see that
their oppression is created by the capitalist social system and
in Argentina it is manifested by the lack of jobs, the double burden
of exploitation that working women face, domestic and institutional
violence, and in the lack of freedom to govern one's own body. (Abortion
remains illegal in Argentina.) These women look to the creation
of an independent assembly of the working class as the way forward
for the fight for working woman's power. Link
to Ojo Obrero Film Festival page on Paso a Las Luchadores.

(Producer: Len Morris, 2003, 85 min)
Meryl Streep narrates this documentary
about the plague of child labor that today is robbing 246 million
children of their youth. In extraordinary footage of their working
conditions, child slaves, bonded laborers and laboring poor children
from eight countries (including the US) tell their own stories.
The film reveals the risks of the world community continuing to
waste these children's lives, and it portrays local, national and
international solutions at work to end child labor. It is a celebration
of the resilience of kids whose lives have been saved and a powerful
call to action. Link
to homepage for Stolen Childhoods.

Del Barrio
(Filmmaker: Sabina Gonzalez, 2004, 17 min)
This short video documents the birth
of Esperanza del Barrio, a street vendors' association and community
organization in East Harlem (El Barrio). Tired of police harassment
and determined to defend themselves, a group of Mexican street vendors
founds Esperanza, hoping to organize more vendors and improve the
conditions they live and work in. In less than 2 years, Esperanza
del Barrio has dramatically reduced rates of arrest for East Harlem
street vendors, has grown to a membership of 110, has introduced
legislation to amend the city's street vendor licensing legislation,
and has founded the city's first Mexican youth project. A project
designed and directed by Latina/Mexicana street vendors, Esperanza
is a successful and thriving community organization that aims to
empower Mexican immigrants and their families in El Barrio and throughout
New York City. The video tells the story of Esperanza, and its production
was part of a collaborative effort between Sabina Gonzalez and the
Esperanza Youth Group, who are children of vendors and youth from
El Barrio. The project is a work in progress, which the director
hopes to expand into a full-length documentary project.

(Filmmakers: Leilani Montes & Victoria Fong, 2005, 15 min)
This documentary is a commemoration piece
honoring a pioneer within the field of journalism, whose contributions
to advocacy through the mainstream media became an invaluable element
to the Chicano Brown Power Movement. Ruben Salazar, a bilingual
Mexican American journalist, became an influential voice for the
Mexican American community when he became a writer for the Los Angeles
Times between 1959-1970. In 1969, Salazar landed a position as News
Manager at KMEX-TV 34, while continuing to write weekly columns
for the LA Times exploring injustices within the Mexican American
community. His position as a journalist capable of communicating
localized issues to Los Angeles' Spanish-speaking community, made
his unbiased news coverage of marginalized communities a strong
organizing tool for persons within the Chicano Brown Power Movement.
For the first time, they were able to efficiently communicate through
the powerful medium of the media. The circumstances around his death
on the day of the Chicano Moratorium (the largest gathering of Chicano
anti-war protestors in the Nation at the time) led many to believe
that his advocacy work through honest and investigative news journalism
made institutionalized authority fear his influence on large uprisings
within the Chicano community in Los Angeles. This documentary delineates
the legacy of Ruben Salazar as an unsung trailblazer for unfiltered
news coverage.
Theater Performance
Rainbow Theater productions are designed
to increase awareness of the cultural climate at UCSC and in the
City of Santa Cruz. The group's artistic purpose is to create unity,
increase visibility and understanding of various ethnic groups,
and encourage the celebration of American ethnic diversity and culture.

On The Fries: Young Workers In The Service Economy
(Filmmakers: Casey Peek & Jeremy Blasi, 2004, 21 min)
Low wages, erratic schedules, no health
care, work-school conflicts. This film looks beyond the stereotypes
of carefree and undeserving youth to uncover a reality that millions
of young working people know all too well: no matter how hard you
work and how well you do in school, it can be difficult to stay
afloat when you're coming of age in a "McJob" economy.
But there are ways to improve things -- and young people are taking
the lead. This film was produced by the UC Berkeley Labor Center,
a project of the Institute of Industrial Relations at UC Berkeley
with the mission to improve the lives of working people by linking
the University of California's vast resources with initiatives for
social and economic equity. Link
to UC Berkeley Labor Center page on Eyes On The Fries.
County: Hope and Struggle
(Filmmaker: Anne Fischel, 2005, 90 min)
This film is a work in progress about a community's attempt to come
to terms with a suppressed history of labor struggle. In 1919, in
the town of Centralia, Washington, members of the American Legion
attacked the union hall of the Industrial Workers of the World.
The attack was widely anticipated in the community, and when it
occurred, armed IWW members stood ready to defend the hall. 4 Legionnaires
were killed in the battle and in its aftermath, an IWW organizer,
Nathan Wesley Everest, was tortured and lynched. For many years,
Centralia community members were actively discouraged from discussing
the Centralia massacre, and organizing in the community declined.
The film documents the efforts of Centralia residents to produce
a mural, "The Resurrection of Nathan Wesley Everest,"
(painted by noted muralist Mike Alewitz) to address this suppressed
history. The film recounts the 1919 struggle through the accounts
of community residents. It documents the organizing efforts surrounding
the making of the mural as an attempt to come to terms with a traumatic
history and consider the significance of that history for the community
today. Finally, the film examines the changing landscape of work
and opportunity in the county generally in an effort to pose the
question: How can working people today begin to connect with, reinterpret
and actively use their history of hope and struggle?

& Roses
(Director: Ken Loach, 2000, 110 min)
Maverick British filmmaker Ken Loach's
first American production, as entertaining as it is thought-provoking,
retains his impassioned interest in social justice and ironical
wit. Loach personalizes the plight of countless invisible service
workers through the struggle of Rosa and her fellow office cleaners
to gain dignity and respect on the job. Though the story is fictional,
it is based on the real Justice for Janitors campaign by Los Angeles
janitors, organized by SEIU, to win recognition and a contract.
to British Films Catalog web page for Bread & Roses.

(Filmmakers: Avi Lewis & Naomi Klein, 2004, 87 min)
In the wake of Argentina's spectacular
economic collapse in 2001, Latin America's most prosperous middle
class finds itself in a ghost town of abandoned factories and mass
unemployment. In suburban Buenos Aires, 30 unemployed auto-parts
workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and
refuse to leave. All they want is to restart the silent machines.
But this simple act -- the take -- has the power to turn the globalization
debate on its head. Link
to the Grassroots page for The Take.

(Producer: Christine Pietz, 2005, MIN min)
Synopsis: This is the story of Larry
Nign, a worker who was injured and put through the wringer by the
State Compensation Insurance Fund, and fought back. While the media
blames workers' fraud for high Workers Comp premiums, Nign's experience
was that this state owned and operated insurance company, which
holds a monopoly on Workers Comp, defrauded injured workers out
of life-saving medical benefits and forced families into poverty,
while their company crimes of fraud, perjury and obstruction of
justice were ignored. Link
to homepage for Almost Broken.
(world premier)
(Filmmaker: Steve Zeltzer, 2005, 26min)
A recent proposal to site a Wal-Mart
store in Pajaro has local folks pondering the pros and cons. This
film documents the Oakland experience: Communities vying for new
employment and tax revenues. Locally owned businesses and their
personalized service are crushed and Main Street boarded up. Rock
bottom prices contingent on sweatshop labor. Good union jobs evaporating
under one of the most virulently anti-union corporate credos.

In Thailand
(Directors: Eve-Laure Moros and Linzy Emery, 1999, 33 min)
In Thailand, women make up 90 percent
of the labor force responsible for garments and toys for export
by multinational corporations. This powerful, revealing documentary
about women factory workers and their struggle to organize unions
exposes the human cost behind the production of everyday items that
reach our shores. Probing the profound impact of the New World Order
on the populations that provide the global economy with cheap labor,
Made in Thailand also profiles women newly empowered by their campaign
for human and worker's rights. Several of these women are survivors
of the 1993 Kader Toy Factory fire, one of the worst industrial
fires in history. Today they are highly effective leaders in the
grass-roots movement mobilizing workers in their recently industrialized
country. Link
to Women Make Movies catalog page for Made In Thailand.

(Directors: Deborah Shaffer & Stewart Bird, 1979, 89 min)
This historical documentary integrates
period songs with photographs, newsreel footage, and contemporary
interviews with remaining IWW members. Careful documentation of
the cultural, political, labor and legal events since the founding
of the IWW in 1905 make this work an invaluable record of an unforgettable
era of American history. Link
to First Run/Icarus Films web page for The Wobblies.

War On The Workers
(Produder: UFCW, 2002, 15 min)
Go behind the closed doors of management's
secret meetings and find out the grim reality that Wal-Mart covers
up with its smiling face. Intimidation, threats, profiling, surveillance,
illegal firings and Orwellian double talk are integral parts of
a corporate-wide culture and continuous campaign to crush worker
organizing efforts according to Wal-Mart managers and workers interviewed
in this film. Link
to United Food & commercial Workers Union web page for Wal-Mart's
War On The Workers.
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