April 10-16, 2022
Cuba's Life Task

Join the Webinar Saturday, April 16 at Noon:
How Cuba Combats Climate Change & How the U.S Blockade Affects Cuba.
Register at bit.ly/HelenYaffeSF
This week’s featured film:
Cuba’s Life Task: Combating Climate Change
(Helen Yaffe, 2022, 56 min, Cuba)
Watch the full film at bit.ly/RW22Cuba
April 21, 2022
Foodie for the People

Foodie for the People
(Jon Silver, 2021, 49 min, Santa Cruz)
Attend the film screening on Thursday, April 21 at 7pm at the Del Mar Theater, 1124 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz.
Get your free ticket at foodiefilm.eventbrite.com
April 20-26, 2022
Work Can Kill

Online panel discussion and Q&A with filmmakers
Tuesday, April 26 at 7pm PDT
Register at bit.ly/RW22Apr26
Confirmed panelists: Kyle Baker, Colin Rosemont, filmmakers; Nelly Vaquera-Boggs, President, Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers.
This week’s featured films:
Boramey: Ghost in a Factory (Tommaso Facchin & Ivan Franceschini, 2021, 62 min, Cambodia) Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Ghost
Class Action (Guillaume Creton, 2020, 15 min, France) Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Class
Drill Ship Walk Through (David Jacques, 2021, 10 min, UK) Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Drill
A People’s History of Cement (Kyle Baker & Colin Rosemont, 2021, 13 min, USA) Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Cement
Friday, April 29, 2022
Song for César

Song for César: the Movement and the Music
Song for César (Andres Alegria & Abel Sanchez, 2021, 85 min, USA)
This documentary is built around the music, musicians, artists, and other important supporters who were instrumental in assisting César Chávez and the UFW grow the farmworkers movement.
Friday, April 29, 5-7pm PDT, free online screening courtesy of AARP. Registration required. No obligation or AARP membership necessary. Register to watch Song for César.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
We Mean to Make Things Over: A History of May Day
(Rick Tejada-Flores, 2022, 30 min, International)
An educational and entertaining tour of a long-suppressed story from American working-class history.
Speaker: Fred Glass, labor historian, retired CFT communications director
Online screening and discussion, Saturday, April 30, 7pm PDT. Register at bit.ly/RW22History.
Sunday, May 1, 2022
International Workers Day March

Bring signs, banners, drums. Wear your union colors. Be prepared to sing some rousing labor songs.
April 27 - May 2, 2022
Speaking Truth to Power

Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power
(Abby Ginzberg, 2021, 82 min, USA)
Co-sponsors: Merrill College, UCSC Cultural Arts and Diversity Resource Center.
Register to reserve your free in-person ticket or join virtually by Zoom at bit.ly/RW22May2
Free on-demand streaming of Barbara Lee: Speaking Truth to Power from April 27-May 2 at bit.ly/BarbaraLee Use password: blee_32533.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
History of Economic Thought - 2-3:20pm
Cal State University - Monterey Bay class. The following films will be screened during the virtual class:
Boramey: Ghost in a Factory (Tommaso Facchin & Ivan Franceschini, 2021, 62 min, Cambodia)
Are spirits responsible for a mysteriouis inllness in a aCambodian factory?
Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Ghost
Fantasma Neon (Leonardo Martinelli, 2021, 20 min, Brazil) A bicycle delivery man in Rio learns the dance steps Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Neon
Instructor: Angie Tran
Join class by Zoom, Wednesday, May 4, 2-3:20pm.
Thursday, May 5, 2022
Quantitative Reasoning in Global Perspectives - 12-1:20pm
Cal State University - Monterey Bay class. The following films will be screened in class:
Weavers (Tejedoras) (Ana Micenmacher, 2021, 16 min, Uruguay) Uruguayan women figure out a knitting collective to sustain themselves. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Weavers
See Us Come Together (Alyssa Suico, 2022, 10 min, Phillipines) Factory workers’s union gets their workers through the rigorous COVID-19 lockdown. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Together
First Time Home (Heriberto Ventura, Noemi Librado Sanchez, Esmirna Librado & Esmeralda Ventura, 2021, 21 min, USA & Mexico) Teenage Triqui ag laborers in Washington state visit their parents’ birthplace in Mexico for the first time. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22First
Instructor: Angie Tran
Limited seating available. Request in-person attendance
May 6-9, 2022
The Wobblies

The Wobblies (Deborah Shaffer & Stewart Bird, 1979, 89 min, USA) “Solidarity! All for One and One for All!”
Classic film about the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), known as Wobblies, founded in Chicago in 1905, which took to organizing all workers—men and women, Black and white, skilled and unskilled—into one big union and changed the course of American history.
Stream on demand for free May 6-9 at bit.ly/RW22Wobblies (create a free account on Eventive).
Courtesy of Workers Unite! Film Festival, New York City.
May 15, 2022
Dark Money

Dark Money (Kimberly Reed, 2018, 99 min, USA) A political thriller about campaign finance. Learn about what happens when untraceable money infiltrates Montana politics.
Sunday, May 15, 2pm at Capitola Branch Library, 2005 Wharf Rd, Capitola.
Watch trailer for Dark Money.
Courtesy of Santa Cruz Public Libraries Hidden Gems Film Club.
May 11-17, 2022
How We Work

Virtual panel discussion and Q&A with filmmakers on the artistry with which workers carry out their vocations.
Register at bit.ly/RW22May17
This week's featured films available May 11-17 for free on-demand streaming:
Work Songs (Mark Street, 2019, 68 min, USA) Workers find meaning in their jobs in an unsupportive climate. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Songs
Weavers (Tejedoras) (Ana Micenmacher, 2021, 16 min, Uruguay) Uruguayan women figure out a knitting collective to sustain themselves. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Weavers
Don't Put Her Down (Julia Golonka, 2021, 33 min, USA) Hazel Dickens, the first woman of bluegrass Link to stream on demand provided when you register for the May 17 film discussion at bit.ly/RW22May17
Active (citizen) (Piotr Goldstein & Jan Lorenz, 2019, 30 min, Serbia) A Roma refugee from Kosovo constructs a life in Serbia. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Citizen (English subtitles available in Settings.)
Fantasma Neon (Leonardo Martinelli, 2021, 20 min, Brazil) A bicycle delivery man in Rio learns the dance steps Link to stream on demand provided when you register for the May 17 film discussion at bit.ly/RW22May17
NOTE DATE CHANGE: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
A Disability Revolution

Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution
(James LeBrecht, Nicole Newham, Sara Bolder, 2020, 106 min, USA)
Panel moderator: Brenda Gutierrez Baeza.
Speakers: James LeBrecht, filmmaker & activist; John Daugherty, accessibility coordinator.
Co-sponsors: Shared Adventures, Santa Cruz County Commission on Disabilities, Pacific Blue Inn.
Register to reserve your free ticket at bit.ly/RWMay24 (Tickets also available at the door.)
Watch Crip Camp on Netflix
May 25-31, 2022
Virtual panel discussion and Q&A with filmmakers on workers’ ultimate tool—withholding our labor.
Register at bit.ly/RW22May31
This week's featured films available May 25-31 for free on-demand streaming:
Local 1196: A Steelworkers Strike (Samuel George, 2022, 60 min, USA)
The gamble of economic sacrifice now for long-term benefit.
Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW221196. Use password RWFF.
The Strike that Broke Unions (Zack Williams, 2021, 24 min, USA) The PATCO strike's long-term effect on the US labor movement. Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Strike.
NOTE DATE CHANGE: June 14, 2022
Justice Behind Bars
Virtual panel discussion and Q&A with filmmaker and the key protagonist on seeking justice within the criminal justice system.
Register at bit.ly/RW22June14
This week's featured film available June 7-15 for free on-demand streaming:
Belly of the Beast (Erika Cohn, 2020 82 min, USA)
The lawyer who exposed the travesty of justice and the filmmaker who documented the path toward reparations.
Stream on demand at bit.ly/RW22Belly. Use password BOTB622.